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Showing posts from April, 2022

Easter Bunny, Neighborhood Watch, Rising Garbage Rates, Etc.

Legacy of Community Support The school district has placed the monument expressing appreciation to the Glenn and Dorothy Dalling family for their donation of the land for the new Sugar-Salem Middle School. This generous gift of land is an amazing example of community support from a family that has a long history of such acts. There are so many in our city who serve and engage and support. I appreciate everyone's good efforts to keep Sugar City a wonderful place to live. Easter Bunny Visits City Hall The Easter Bunny dropped in to city council meeting with eggs full of candy for everyone--lucky for those of us who were there! The Bunny also invited everyone to the Easter Egg hunt this Saturday (4/16) at 10am at Heritage Park. Come and enjoy the fun, no matter the weather! And the Easter Bunny will be there for photographs as well.   Neighborhood Watch Mayor Adams invites all who are interested in joining the Neighborhood Watch Program to come to City Hall on Monday (4/18) at 7pm in