New Year! The city council met for the first time in 2024 last Thursday, the 11th. We had a full agenda. I look forward to working with our newest council member, Carter Stanford. He jumped right in the deep end and started swimming, so I'm sure he's going to be a good addition to the council. $100,000 From the County County Commissioner Brent Mendenhall presented a check to the city as a contribution for the recent tennis court project agreement between the city and Sugar-Salem School District. Commissioner Mendenhall expressed the county commission's appreciation for Sugar City as the anchor of north Madison County. It's great the county is able to throw in a big chunk of change for the project. New Fiber Service? The county is moving forward with its grant-funded project of making fiber internet service available to unserved and underserved residents: Fyber...
The occasional report and commentary from council member Glenn Dayley regarding Sugar City City Council meetings and our great community.