Parking Area for Walking/Biking Path
New Parking Lot
The city has recently re-acquired the property at the corner of Center and Railroad Ave (south side of Center St). We are considering putting in a parking area that would serve the walking path along railroad avenue and would be connected to the path that runs through the business park.This would require a new crosswalk on Center Street. The red area below would be the parking lot, and the black line would be a connecting path to the business park path.
Giant Loop
Wouldn't it be great if we could get a continuous walking and biking path that nearly encircled the entire city? It could connect from the business park and follow the Salem Canal north past the new jr. high, east all the way to the Teton Island Canal at Hwy 33, and then turn south and following the canal all the way back around until it connects back to the path along Railroad Ave. We could have other paths that branched off of it to other trails throughout the city. Wow, that would be great! We could have a few small parking areas and port-a-potties along the trail. One day!
It would look something like this and be about 5.5 miles long: