Christmas Lighting in Heritage Park
The lighting celebration in the park was great! We would have loved snow instead of the wet drizzle we got, but hey, it's still Christmas time!
Sheri Vail's wonderful kids choir from Central Elementary performed a number of holiday songs, and managed to welcome Santa with three rousing versions of "Santa Claus is Coming to Town."
We appreciate the Mayor, the city council, and the city staff who made the night a success. And we thank all who came to start the season off right with with us in the park. The light displays throughout the park and town look great!
Council News
In our December council meeting we passed the annexation of the properties along South Railroad Avenue as presented in the Planning and Zoning meeting earlier in the month. We also approved two special use permits for two businesses in the business park.
Speaking of the business park, nearly all the lots have been sold. We are glad to see new businesses setting up shop there. They're a good addition to our community.
We also approved on the fifth reading the new parking regulations for the city. We appreciate the public's input on the parking regulations in the city. We hope the new ordinance will help clarify the rules regarding the use of city streets, especially during winter plowing and street sweeping.
Finally, and not least important, the city council is anxious over the growth of Rexburg and that city's intentions regarding expansion into Salem. We encourage Sugar City residents and residents of Salem to pay close attention to current or upcoming impact area and annexation proposals.