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Spring is in the Air: New Neighborhood, Emergency Prep, Outdoor Activities


New Neighborhood

The City Council approved the final plat and development agreement for a new neighborhood on the west side of HWY 20 (the area in yellow below).

The preliminary plan for this development was approved years ago by the city council. For those interested in more information about the development, please view the recording of the council meeting on 3/25/2022. (The presentation and discussion begins around 42 minutes in.)

Emergency Prep

During natural disasters and other emergency situations, the city needs to be able to communicate with local, state and federal-level agencies and organizations. The city is currently working to get a ham radio system set up at city hall to make this possible.

On a related note, there is a community emergency preparedness open house at the fire station on April 5th. We encourage everyone to drop in.

Spring Outdoor Activities

With the snow pretty much gone, please be on the lookout for kids playing in the parks, and people walking, running, and riding on the roads. 

Let's keep Sugar safe!





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