Sugar Days: Sponsors, Vendors, and Volunteers Needed
On Saturday, July 9th, we kick off our Sugar Days events with the annual Community Breakfast. This will be followed by a day of events and activities and vendors.
We still need your help. We're looking for additional sponsors so the activities and games for the kids can remain free of charge.
Also, now's the time for vendors to reserve their booth spot--only $20 or $25 if you need electricity. Please stop in or call city hall to reserve your spot today.
We have room for more volunteers as well. Please let us know if you are able to help with the various activities during the day.
Finally, we are planning on having the Community Talent Showcase again this year. Please contact city hall and get signed up with your act or performance.
City Hall: (208) 356-7561; Councilman Dayley:
City Clean Up and Dumpster Update
Mayor Adams and the City Council are still trying to find a good solution to our city dumpster and city clean up budget troubles. Regardless of what we decide to do long-term, it's clear we will be running out of money for the dumpster here shortly.
When I think about the cost of the program, at the current fee rate for residents of about $40 a year, I'm not sure this is a good deal for residents. For the amount of stuff residents drive over and throw in the city dumpster, I suspect many would pay less than $40 a year for the disposal fees at the county transfer station in Rexburg. Of course, they would have to take the time and spend the gas getting to the transfer station.
Some residents don't have trailers or pickups to haul the material to the transfer station, but they are somehow getting the rubbish to the city dumpster. Perhaps, those helping them get stuff to the dumpster would be able to help them get it to the transfer station instead. The residents do a good job helping out one another when it comes to this kind of service.
Well, the issue is still on the council's agenda. Please send along any ideas or comments you have, or come to the next city council meeting and speak up during public comment time.
Public Hearing: Rexburg Impact Area Expansion
Back in February 2022, when the city voted to annex some Salem area properties into the Sugar City city limits, with the permission and at the request of the property owners, a representative from Rexburg was on hand. He stated Rexburg was not interested in annexing property against the will of the property owners. I'm not sure that what he stated was an accurate reflection of Rexburg's plans, as Rexburg is currently proposing an expansion of their impact area into the Salem area.
The rough map at the top of this post gives you an idea of the area in question. I cannot speak definitively for everyone involved, but I'm confident that the city council and Mayor Adams are opposed to this proposal, as is the large majority of Salem residents we have heard from.
I personally would like to keep Rexburg from expanding any more into
Salem. Salem and Sugar City have a long history together. I think the
two communities have a unified cultural and social connection. I would
not want to see any more parts of the Sugar-Salem School District get annexed into
Rexburg's city limits in the future.
There is a public hearing on the proposal at 6pm on Tuesday, June 14th in the County Commissioner Room in the Madison County Courthouse. I encourage all those interested in this proposal to attend, if possible, and being prepared to offer public comment would be even more welcome. Also, written comment is encouraged and can be dropped off or mailed to the Madison County Planning and Zoning Office, Room 208, at 134 East Main Street, Rexburg, Idaho, 83440.