Comprehensive Plan The council voted to update the city's comprehensive plan, including the preferred land use map and the zoning map. These updates have been in the work for several years, and I was glad to see them finally completed and voted upon after going through numerous iterations and public surveys and public hearings over that time. I want to thank the residents and members of the Planning and Zoning Commission for the many hours of research, discussion, and revision that led to these updated documents. With the growth we are experiencing and expecting in our area and town, it's important to have an updated, clear vision for our community. It helps residents, property owners, and the city. County Law Enforcement Center This week, the council also voted to transfer a lot in the business park to Madison County for a law enforcement center. The lot is next to the county's Search & Rescue Station. The county now has three lots in the business park. The idea at th...
The occasional report and commentary from council member Glenn Dayley regarding Sugar City City Council meetings and our great community.