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Comprehensive Plan, County Law Enforcement Center, New Tennis Courts?

Comprehensive Plan

The council voted to update the city's comprehensive plan, including the preferred land use map and the zoning map. These updates have been in the work for several years, and I was glad to see them finally completed and voted upon after going through numerous iterations and public surveys and public hearings over that time.

I want to thank the residents and members of the Planning and Zoning Commission for the many hours of research, discussion, and revision that led to these updated documents. With the growth we are experiencing and expecting in our area and town, it's important to have an updated, clear vision for our community. It helps residents, property owners, and the city. 

County Law Enforcement Center

This week, the council also voted to transfer a lot in the business park to Madison County for a law enforcement center. The lot is next to the county's Search & Rescue Station. The county now has three lots in the business park. The idea at this time is for the county to begin work soon on a new county coroner's office and then eventually adding a sheriff's office and dispatch center.

These will be great additions to our community. This location and the increased law enforcement presence will be a great advantage to Sugar City and to the county. It's a good cooperative agreement between the city and the county.

Tennis Courts?

The condition of the city's tennis courts in Veteran's Park (Neibaur Park) is a regular discussion in city council meetings. They're not in good shape. (And we won't even talk about the "courts" over in Smith Park by the baseball diamonds, ugh!)

Tennis courts are relatively expensive to install and maintain. The city has pursued grants and other possible funding sources to repair or more likely replace the two courts in Veteran's Park. So far we've not had much luck. I recently applied for another grant to help get the courts replaced. We won't hear back on that one for another few weeks.

This week, the Sugar-Salem School District Board floated the idea of possibly taking ownership of all or much of Veteran's Park and, either on their own or in cooperation with the city, installing six tennis courts there. 

I think it would be great if the city and the school district could work together to get new tennis courts in our community. I'm reluctant to think we need to take up all or a lot of Veteran's Park to do so, and I'm not sure I would favor giving up ownership of the park. 

The city has little enough park space as it is, especially in the center of town, and many families and others use the picnic pavilion and open space at Veteran's park during the year. Also, the city has a well there, and it's not a good idea for the city not to own the property around its wells. And, of course, the park is a memorial park to all veteran's from our area and specifically in remembrance of Thomas C. Neibaur who earned the Medal of Honor during WWI.

Still, having said all of that, I would love to see something worked out. New tennis and pickle ball courts would be great for the community and, of course, the school district, which has a great tennis program despite the poor conditions they struggle with.

I know the school district was originally thinking they would be able to install some courts on the property around the new junior high. I think those plans have changed. There may be a way to use the space in Smith Park where the tennis courts and skate park are in bad shape. In any case, I would love to see at least two new tennis/pickle ball courts in Veteran's Park where we already have the dedicated space. 

For tennis meets and tournaments, I know the school needs more than two courts if possible. I think the school board is going to come back to city council with a more formal proposal or options to be considered, so we'll see what we can come up with.

If residents have some ideas to consider for both the location and funding for new courts, please contact the mayor or any member of the city council or city staff. We'd love to hear more thoughts and ideas. 

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