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Smart Growth; City Budget 2025; Clean Water and Clogged Sewage Pumps

Smart Growth

This week, Madison County Commissioners voted to approve an amended Sugar City impact area in the Salem area. With the new boundaries approved, Sugar City is able to add additional voting members from within the impact area to our Planning and Zoning Commission, giving them a representative voice on the commission. We're excited to bring them onboard. Sugar City and Salem have been a combined community for many years, and as growth continues in our region, we're glad to cooperate officially with Salem residents in planning for our unified future.

Above is a current snapshot of the County's GIS map, showing Sugar City's boundaries in blue and Rexburg's in red. (The impact area boundary lines are not shown here but are basically extended out from our city borders into the surrounding county area.)

Most of us are aware of the current, mainly residential, growth in various areas of Sugar City. The two next biggest areas of growth will most likely come in the land around the two full interchanges on Hwy 20, where the green circles are. Those areas have become very attractive to property owners for both commercial and residential use.

Sugar City is planning for this probable growth. The benefits of commercial growth in our city are worth noting. It's close to impossible to function as a growing mainly bedroom community. Additional tax revenue and commerce in our city from commercial enterprises would help a lot. 

Also, a continued variety of housing options for residents would be good. We need options for established mature families, for young couples and families, for single adults, for retirees, etc. If growth is coming--or already here--we need to make sure we manage it wisely to benefit current and new residents. I think some mixed commercial/residential areas out near those interchanges would be good.

Growth brings lots of challenges and lots of opportunities to the city. Smart growth in newly developing areas and smart upgrades and renewal in our downtown and traditional areas of our city will help us keep the Sugar-Salem community a wonderful place to live.

City Budget 2025

The city council held a budget work meeting with the mayor and other city staff in June. We'll publish the 2025 draft budget and then hold a public hearing on August 22nd. Please check the city's website and at city hall for official notification.

We have some large expenditures coming up with regards to infrastructure upgrades and additions. We're exploring various methods for funding these projects: city funds, state and federal grants, collaborations with private property owners, etc. We think we're developing some good options. I'll post info here about such matters.

The city runs on a pretty lean budget--and that is probably as it should be for any government entity--and, in my opinion, we're managing the public's funds wisely. I appreciate the other members of the city council and the mayor and city staff for keeping our great city running and for trying to safeguard the public's trust. And I appreciate the residents' participation in our city's government.

Clean Water and Clogged Sewage Pumps

Our annual water testing report is posted at city hall. Once again, our potable water passed the test. We have some great water!

Our used water is not so great. City staff have had to clean out clogged lift pumps and jet out clogged sewer lines three times in just the past week alone! So-called flushable bathroom wipes are not flushable and are the main cause of our clogging problems. These wipes are flushable only in the sense that they will disappear down the toilet. But they are damaging our sewage line equipment. At some point we're going to have major issues and major expenses because of residents flushing these wipes. Please do not flush wipes!

That's it for now. I hope we're all enjoying the summer! Thanks 


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