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Tennis Courts; Treats in the Streets; Teton Dam Flood Anniversary; Call for Volunteeers


New School/City Tennis Courts

The new tennis courts are done, and they look great! A dedicated citizens group led an intense campaign to get a coalition of partners together so we could get some new tennis courts in our community.

The school district was the largest contributor of both land and funding. The city, the county, and Madison Memorial Hospital/Madison Health also were major contributors to the project.

The city is working out the logistics of a reservation system for the courts, so the public will have access during times the school district isn't using the courts. 

For now, if you are interested in using the courts for tennis or pickleball, please drop in city hall for the details.

I'm grateful for everyone involved in this project. It took some debate and even a bit of arguing, but we all had the same overall goal in mind and made it happen. Thanks!

Treats in the Streets

Our 3rd annual Treats in the Streets celebration is this coming Thursday 4-7pm (17 October). 

I keep checking the weather. We've had a streak of very nice weather for the past month or so, but it looks like Thursday might be a bit blustery with our first taste of winter coming.

We hope everyone will still bundle up and join us for the party! If we waited for perfect weather before we did anything, we'd not do very much! Hopefully for a few hours Mother Nature will cooperate and we'll have a great time.

Teton Dam Flood 50th Anniversary

We're looking for interested residents of the area to serve on a committee working with Rexburg and the surrounding areas planning for the 2026 Flood Anniversary Event. We'd like to create a walking tour of the city related to the flood. In addition there are other activities and events we need help with as we gear up for this event in 2026. Please help out. You can call city hall for more information and to volunteer your talent and energy to this great event.

Call for Volunteers

The city is always in need of residents willing to volunteer for various committees, commissions, boards, and events. 

Frankly, the city relies on too few people to keep things working smoothly. Often, residents come out in droves when there is something happening that they feel very strongly about. Of course, this is a good thing. We'd also love to see people willing to help with the more common, day-to-day type of things related to running a city. 

Please consider applying for an possible appointment on Planning and Zoning or Design Committee. Or volunteering to help with Sugar Days or the Easter Egg Hunt. Or if you see a need, working with the mayor and forming a committee to work on a specific project or event--that's how we got tennis courts.

We have a great city, and we appreciate all those who help, formally and informally, to make it so.

I hope we are all having a wonderful fall season!

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